On Tuesday I took a stroll to Victoria Park, which is near my grandma's home. A little different from the parks in Shanghai. It's more modernized, but there are just as many old people (as well as others) doing activities.
On my way to Victoria Park. I felt Sugar Street deserved it's own photo hahaha.
Victoria Park is huge.
Where am I? Miami? Nope, HK!
Queen Victoria, after which the park is named.
I was less than a metre away from them. The pigeons don't scare easy in HK.
The tree with the sign on it is called "camel toe tree"...how does it resemble a camel toe?
What exactly is a "laughing corner"?
On my way back from Victoria Park. HK really is a city of boats.
For my birthday (Aug. 25), my aunts took me to Ocean Park, sort of like a giant Marineland. It was also one of my aunt's birthday, so she got in free - my ticket was 50% off since I'm a foreigner. The place is definitely for kids. You can say I got bored pretty quickly...the highlight was the dolphin show, and we went to that first...so you can imagine the rest of the day. Plus it was very hot and sunny with no breeze.
Outside the entrance. From left to right, my Aunt Maggie (it was also her birthday), my 9 year old cousin Justina, me, and my Aunt Pocky.
The tram ride to the other side of the park where the dolphin show was...the park was huge.
Look at all those people...
Some scenes from the dolphin show, and yes, there were seals too.
The girl on the far right is an actual audience member. The guy acting like he's scared of the seal was one of the trainers in civilian clothes. He put on a show where he was afraid to go near the seal, and when he did, he fell into the water and started to drown. After being "rescued" by a dolphin, the seal gave him CPR...again, a place for kids haha.
More scenes from the dolphin show. The first photo is of the dolphin jumping over a stream of water that was shot into the air. The last photo is the dolphins waving goodbye at the end of the show.
The views from inside Ocean Park.
At the seal exhibit.
At the sea animals exhibit. I know the first photo is a blurry shot of a sea turtle, but I thought it looked cool how it remained semi-focused compared to the rest of the shot.
On (and off) the tram back to the first part of the park.
The nearly endangered red panda. I wanted to make a animated picture of the red panda in the log, but I don't have the proper software here, so for now I'm posting the photos of it moving haha.
The panda took a fresh dump. I didn't get my camera out on time to catch the poo actually coming out (it drew a large laugh from the crowd).
I think it wants to go back inside. People kept shooting with flash on, despite the many signs stating "no flash photography" since it scares the pandas.
It seemed like it was coming to get me!
"Screw off, I'm trying to eat!"
It knows I was watching it hahaha.
Eating its meal.
The hot air balloon ride...it wasn't a real hot air balloon (it was attached to the ground by a cord at all times).
After Ocean Park, my uncle took me to the JW Marriott for a birthday dinner at the Marriott Cafe. It was an expensive all-you-can-eat dinner in a very classy atmosphere. The best part was the seafood. I easy ate at least a pound of giant shrimp, lobster claws, giant prawn tails, snow crab legs, and smoked salmon. And at the end of the 3 hour dinner (when you pay that much, you stay for the entire time haha) my relatives surprised me with a piece of birthday cake!
The seafood and dessert areas, before people started to line-up.
My first plate of seafood.
The shrimps were massive! I was holding it right in front of my face in the 2nd photo (so it's not a size perception thing).
My second plate of seafood.
My self-made seafood salad (you have to eat your greens right?).
Some of the various things to eat! I chose the worst possible time to take the photos...after everyone had grabbed most of the food - the bowl of snails was almost empty!
My birthday cake. They spelled my name wrong...you can see I tried to fix that in the 2nd photo haha.
Me and my grandma!
The JW Marriott is definitely a high-roller's hotel.
On the way back home after dinner. The Bank of China Tower is on the left.
And that wraps up my first birthday in Hong Kong!
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