Thursday, August 27, 2009

Photos are finally up!

That's right ladies and gents, I've finally uploaded the photos. It wasn't easy, and it definitely took a lot of work - over several try it on a very old computer with near dial-up speeds!

I've uploaded close to 500 photos (almost half of the photos I took in Shanghai), so while there are a lot of photos, they're not all of them! I couldn't correct any exposure or white balancing issues, I don't have Photoshop here, so just live with them haha.

So why did I upload so many photos if it took so long? Well I know a lot of you were patiently waiting for over a month for them, so it's my thanks for your patience. Plus, when I go to Japan, I've realized my posts are going to be far and few between (since I have no laptop) and there will probably also be no photos again in my posts (sorry)! When I'm in Japan, it'll be different from Shanghai and Hong Kong - I'll be constantly moving around, without any a base location to return to everyday with internet nearby. But I'll try my hardest to keep the updates coming.

To my newest HK post, I've put the photos right in along with the blog post. For all the previous posts, it would've been too much work to do the same, so I simply added the photos at the end of every post. There's also brief commentary! I'm also missing some photos from the clubs and karaoke and dinner we had, I couldn't bring my big DSLR camera to those places so I'm waiting for my friends to send them to me first. So enjoy the photos, and please comment!

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